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Not all Pulsejet Filters are Created Equal


Pulsejet filters are often used in wood dust extraction systems and can be very effective. However not all pulsejet filters are created equal so if you are going the pulsejet filter route there are features you should look for and features you should avoid. A cheap pulsejet filter is not likely to be a bargain.

Tubular filter bags are the only type worth considering. Forget cartridges (see our paper on this “Cartridges are not for Wood Dust”). Forget “star bags” or the like (these are solutions for problem baghouses, not something to design with in the first instance).

Quality filter bags from a reputable supplier make a difference. We suggest an antistatic polyester needle felt on polyester scrim with a fabric weight in the 500 – 600 g/m2 range.

Pulse systems vary in effectiveness dependant on a large number of factors. Is it a proven design? Can this be verified?


Filter bag area is very important but more filter bag area doesn’t compensate for other design flaws.

Top filter bag access is a desirable feature when it comes to filter bag maintenance, especially when coupled with spring clip filter bags. Avoid side entry as this causes higher dust exposure and possible confined space issues.

Hopper dust entry is a poor design feature. Consequent upward airflow in the bag chamber reduces the cleaning effectiveness of the pulse system causing high pressure drop. In turn this results in reduced airflow and reduced filter bag life.

Pulse controllers need to comply with our electrical regulations.

Compressed air reservoirs need to be designed and tested to our pressure vessel standards.

Support structures need to comply with our wind and seismic code standards.

Ladders and walkways need to comply with our safe access standards.

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