
Containerised Wood Waste Fired Heat Plant

Key Selling Points
  • Complete Containerised package!
  • Burn your MDF or wood waste on site
  • Achieve substantial cost saving on dumping fees
  • Generate Hot waster or heat on site, heat your factory, spray booth, and other
  • Proven products
  • 1000+ systems in operation across Australia

With an AIRTIGHT heat plant you burn your waste and generate hot water which can be used for timber drying, space heating or other process heating. If there is no use for the hot water, our built in radiators are used for cooling so that you can continue to burn your waste.

AIRTIGHT’s heat plants provide you with an independent waste disposal option.

These heat plants are a variation of a proven solid fuel (often coal) fired unit that has been reliably used for over 40 years. The wood waste design has been used successfully for over 12 years.

The heat plant uses an under fired stoker, which, coupled with independent underfire and overfire airflow allows us to control the fire more accurately and thus ensure we get a clean burn.

The heat plant comes fitted into a 6m high cube container. This is a complete package containing the heat plant, grit arrestor, small fuel surge bin, control panel, hot water pump and cooling radiators.

The heat plant complies with Australian regulations. It is built locally which ensures reliable local back up and service.

Technical Specifications & Quick Facts

Model HPK350WW HPK500WW
Hot water heater output 350kW 500kW
Water temp/pressure 900C flow, 700C return, 1.5 Bar operational pressure, 3 Bar test pressure 900C flow, 700C return, 1.5 Bar operational pressure, 3 Bar test pressure
Fuel consumption at 100% output 100kg/hr of wood waste at 10% moisture content. 140kg/hr of wood waste at 10% moisture content.
Containerized dimensions 6m long x 2.5m wide x 2.8m high +1m for roof mount heat dump. 6m long x 2.5m wide x 2.8m high +1m for roof mount heat dump.
Hot water Pipe connections 50 NB hot water flow and return pipes on the container roof. 65NB hot water flow and return pipes on the container roof
Fuel entry point Dia 500 flanged connection on the roof Dia 500 flanged connection on the roof
Total Installed Electrical load 15kW 22kW

Included In the Above options:

A Heat Plant supplied in a 6m container.  The containerized package Includes:

  • A 3m3 fuel storage and feed bin.
  • A 6m total height flue (stand up on site).
  • A Heat Plant control cabinet.
  • An auto start function.
  • An auto shut down function.
  • Burn back isolation valve.
  • A roof mounted cooling radiator (removed for transport).
  • A flanged connection point to allow hot water to be used for other applications.

We can burn:

  • Dry sawdust and shavings,
  • MDF dust or shredded waste of a consistent size.
  • Maximum particle size to be 20mmx 20mm x 10mm

Note the better the fuel mix, the better the combustion. Having a good consistent fuel is important

Larger Heat Plants

Larger Heat Plants are available, these will however not be containerised. Call your local Airtight office and ask for assistance.

Get rid of your waste from site with fewer truck movements and lower dumping fees. Achieve substantial cost savings by cutting out your dumping fees, and generate hot water or heating for your factory or spray booth.

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