
RAF-3M Reverse Airflow Dust Collector

Key Benefits
  • Modular design that delivers reliable extraction for today and in the future
  • Extendable as your requirements grow – future proofing your investment
  • Efficient self-cleaning while in operation
  • Very low maintenance and running costs
  • ATEX compliant. Designed to strict European safety and emissions Standards
  • Over 50,000 systems installed worldwide

The RAF-3M filter series are a highly effective self-cleaning baghouse designed to handle high dust volumes and medium air volumes. They are designed for continuous operation and work efficiently by automatically cleaning the filter bags while running.

The RAF-3M typically services up 36,000m3/hour at medium dust load applications. This may equate to 10-16 machines in a Joinery/cabinet maker application.

Each module is fitted with a combined inspection and explosion relief door. A safety switch ensures automatic shutdown in case of emergency.
The medium/large particles are separated in the filter hopper (inlet section optional) and the air is afterwards distributed to the filter bags. The collected material is discharged through the rotary valve or screw conveyor

The RAF3M comes standard with Rotary Valve for continuous operation (no need to shut down to empty your waste bin), Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for low running cost, 2550m2 of the advanced XT15 antistatic filter socks and online PLC controlled reverse air cleaning system.


The high-efficiency main fan is self-cleaning & ensures high performance, quiet operation and low running cost. We use large heavy duty 4pole fans  – opposed to the cheaper 2 pole fans.

  • 4 pole fans are larger in construction and run slowly (typically 1,250-1,480 rpm – ensuring quiet operation)
  • 2 pole fans are smaller and run faster, typically 3,000 rpm = noisy!


The NFS3HJ is modular by design and the system can easily be extended if your extraction requirements increase in the future.

For heavy waste load applications, we commonly discharge the waste into a silo, container or separate material transport system.

Typical applications:

  • Joinery & cabinet making
  • Timber & Process
  • Paper & Trim

Technical Specifications & Quick Facts

Quick Facts

  • 255m2, 150 patented XT15 antistatic filter socks
  • Dimensions: 3600Wm 2400D, 5800H (height variable for each installation)
  • Typical application: 630Ø inlet 36,000 m3/hr (dependant on dust load)
  • On-line cleaning via integrated PLC
  • NRS Rotary valve for continuous opereration

Technical Parameters

  • Maximum working temperature: 75°C
  • Inlet through the hopper or separate inlet module
  • Regeneration fan per cell for reverse-air cleaning of filter bags while operating
  • Combined inspection and explosion relief doors with a safety switch
  • Available in positive (800Pa) or Negative (5,000Pa) pressure options
  • Finished in rolled galvanised steel


  1. Rotary valve extension and screw auger
  2. Return-air ducting to recycle clean air back to factory
  3. Telescopic leg extensions
  4. Transfer “blow-line” systems
  5. Spark arrest solutions
  6. Silencers
  7. Service & performance testing
  8. Extended warranties

Customers using Airtight’s RAF3M filters include:

  • Hume Doors
  • Corinthian Doors
  • Doors Plus
  • Concept Caravans
  • Laminex

The RAF-3M Reverse Airflow Dust Collector is designed for medium-sized air flows with large material concentrations and typically handles air volumes up to 36,000m3/h.

The RAF-3 M’s superior performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness have been proven in more installations than any other brand. Airtight Solution’s RAF series has earned its reputation in the field and is the ‘go to’ solution for Australia’s largest manufacturers.

Modular by design the RAF-3M series can be extended as your business and filter requirements grow – futureproofing your investment!

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