Top 5 Questions Asked About Our Dust Extraction Systems

Most of our sales team have been in the business for many years. So I asked them what are the main questions people ask when considering the purchase of a dust extraction system. Here are there responses.

Have you done similar projects?

Yes. Airtight Solutions was established in 2002, and has since installed 1000’s of dust extraction systems throughout Australia and New Zealand. We have installed dust extraction systems in nearly every state and territory in Australia, and we can provide reference site installs close to you for you to see first hand.

How is your dust collector system better than the competition?

We can offer a complete package – design, installation, service maintenance – backed by engineers who have a wealth of experience in the fume and dust control industry. Airtight Solutions is a part of a larger group of engineering companies, including Vortex Engineering and FowlerEx. There is no project too big all too small for us to handle.

We will deliver

What is your lead time?

Airtight Solutions has sales and warehouse facilities in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. What we do not manufacture ourselves, we directly import from world class suppliers. For this reason, Airtight Solutions can provide the shortest lead times in the dust and fume extraction industry.

Lead time for a dust extraction system depends on many factors, including the type of material to be captured, the amount of airflow required, the type and quantity of filters, right through to environmental factors such as moisture in the air. There is a complex set of calculations to design and install the more cost efficient dust extraction system for your needs.

That being said, small to medium systems can be up and running within a few weeks, while larger and more complicated dust extraction systems can take a few months to design, manufacture and install.

Talk to one of our sales guys to get an idea of the lead time for your dust extraction system.

Do you provide regular servicing?

We have a dedicated National Service Manager, Gareth Foster. Gareth can discuss your service needs and put together a preventitive maintenance program for your dust extraction system. If you are not sure what your servicing needs are, then we can provide a detailed written dust extraction system audit

How much does a dust collector system cost?

(and of course, “Can you sharpen your pencil?”)

Bla bla bla

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