Project Detail

Client: Ultimo Tafe
Location: Sydney, Australia

Scope Of Work: November 2012

Schedule: Vehicle exhaust extraction systems

Industry: Automotive & Engine Exhaust, Schools, TAFE & Universities

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Ultimo Tafe

Ultimo Tafe is one of the Australia’s leading training and teaching facility. With 123 years of teaching and training excellence, Ultimo Tafe is one of Australia’s oldest leading vocational education and training institutes

Training Facility

At Ultimo Tafe, building Q is dedicated to the training and teaching of automotive mechanics from all around Australia as well as international students. This facility is also being utilised for the training of mechanics from some of the world’s largest automotive and marine manufacturers.

Engineered solution

Airtight Solutions was the obvious choice for designing and installing a vehicle exhaust extraction system over three levels to extract the engine fumes and gases. The ground level would be used for marine and heavy duty engines. Level one would be utilised for cars and small vehicles, and the second level would be used for motorcycles. The systems installed by Airtight Solutions consisted of 65 motorised retractable hose reels, five exhaust fans and two complete dyno exhaust systems. Airtight also installed a pressure transmitter and variable speed drive onto all exhaust fans. This allowed Airtight to set the variable speed drive so the fans would increase and decrease in the amount of extraction required.

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